Solar activity slowly restarting after long lull: scientists

Sci­en­tists have an­nounced they have “sub-visual” ev­i­dence that a new cy­cle of so­lar wind ac­ti­vity around Earth is start­ing.

Re­cent ap­pear­ances of bright sky dis­plays known as au­ro­rae, near the North Pole, were ac­com­pa­nied by much dim­mer glows well south of that, say re­search­ers at Bos­ton Uni­vers­ity’s Cen­ter for Space Phys­ics.

All-sky view of the up­per at­mos­phere as pho­tographed in the red light of ox­y­gen from the Mt. John Ob­serv­a­to­ry in New Zea­land. This fish-eye lens im­age dis­plays emis­sions from a height of 400 km above the Earth’s sur­face (fea­tures in up­per left are build­ings ob­struct­ing view to north­west). Just be­low the low­er coast of South Is­land, the faint emis­sion ex­tend­ing west-to-east is called a Sta­ble Au­ro­ral Red (SAR) arc, a man­i­fes­ta­tion of ox­y­gen atoms heat­ed by hot elec­trons in the ion­o­sphere. The bright­ness lev­els (a­bout 300 Ray­leigh units) are ten to twen­ty times faint­er than can be seen by the na­ked eye. Fur­ther to the south, the ar­ea col­ored white is a brighter form of red emis­sion called Dif­fuse Au­ro­ra, pro­duced by in in­flux of elec­trons from the mag­ne­to­sphere; it is still in­vis­i­ble to the un­aid­ed eye, but on­ly by fac­tors of two to three. Strong vis­i­ble au­ro­ra, the fa­mil­iar "cur­tains of red and green emis­sion" would be still fur­ther to­ward the South Pole, be­yond the field of view shown. This Bos­ton Uni­ver­si­ty im­age of sub-visual au­ro­ra at mid-latitudes is the first un­am­big­u­ous case of a SAR arc in the South­ern Hem­i­sphere dur­ing the new cy­cle of so­lar ac­tiv­i­ty. (Cred­it: Bos­ton U. Cen­ter for Space Phys­ics)

“It’s ex­cit­ing to see the re­turn of au­ro­ra to mid-latitudes,” the cen­ter’s Steve Smith said, re­fer­ring to the cy­clic oc­cur­rence of emis­sions in the Earth’s at­mos­phere that have in­trigued peo­ple since an­cient times.

What has fas­ci­nat­ed space sci­en­tists in re­cent years is the de­layed on­set of such ef­fects. Typ­ic­ally, the Sun has an ac­ti­vity cy­cle of about 11 years, with flares and ejec­tions of elec­tric­ally charged par­t­i­cles called the so­lar wind. These cause changes in the Earth’s mag­net­ic field that pro­duce, as a side prod­uct, lu­mi­nous emis­sions in the at­mos­phere.

Such ef­fects are sub­dued dur­ing so-called so­lar min­i­mum years, such as in 1996-1997, and very prom­i­nent in so­lar max­i­mum years, as in 2001-2002. Ac­cord­ing to this cy­cle, a new wave of such ac­ti­vity had been ex­pected to start by last year, but the Sun re­mained qui­et.

Now there are fi­nally signs of the cy­cle re-appearing, the Bos­ton group says.

They used an all-sky cam­era at the Mt. John Ob­serv­a­to­ry in Lake Te­ka­po, New Zea­land, “essen­tially a fish-eye lens that is used to view the full sky,” said Jef­frey Baum­gard­ner, al­so a re­search­er at the cen­ter, who de­signed and built the in­stru­ment. “The emis­sions we study come from re­gions rang­ing from 200-400 km [125-250 miles] above the sur­face. These gas­es are caused to glow by en­er­gy in­put from above, en­er­gy that flows down­ward along the Earth’s mag­net­ic field lines.”

The cur­tains of glow­ing gasses vis­i­ble to the un­aided eye are long been called au­ro­ra bo­realis when near north­ern po­lar re­gions, and au­ro­ra aus­tralis in south­ern po­lar re­gions. The newly de­tected emis­sions in­stead are be­low na­ked eye de­tec­tion lim­its, and were de­tected in the skies just south of New Zea­land.

The­re, a faint arc ex­tend­ing from East to West was de­tected in the red glow of ox­y­gen atoms. This emis­sion is due to col­li­sions be­tween hot elec­trons, or charged par­t­i­cles, and ox­y­gen atoms in a part of the at­mos­phere known as the ion­o­sphere, the re­search­ers said. Such fea­tures, called Sta­ble Au­ro­ral Red or SAR arcs, are an ac­tive top­ic of re­search.

This “is per­haps the first-ever case of im­ag­ing an un­am­big­u­ous SAR arc in the south­ern hemi­sphere,” said Bos­ton Uni­vers­ity as­tron­o­mer Mi­chael Men­dil­lo.

Still fur­ther south of that arc the re­search­ers de­tected a far more dif­fuse, steady at­mos­pher­ic emis­sion, al­so how­ev­er caused by an in­flux of elec­trons hit­ting ox­y­gen atoms. This emis­sion is thought to have a slightly dif­fer­ent un­der­ly­ing cause from that of SAR arcs, which oc­cur when elec­trons trapped in so-called Van Al­len Radia­t­ion Belts in plan­et’s mag­net­ic field de­pos­it heat in­to the ion­o­sphere. This en­er­gy in­put is con­fined to a thin band about 60 miles (100 km) wide from north to south, though it can ex­tend all the way around the globe east to west.

“We fully ex­pect that a si­m­i­lar SAR arc oc­curred in the north­ern hem­i­sphere, but it was cloudy at our ob­serv­a­to­ry in Bos­ton that night, and so one was not seen,” Smith ex­plained. “We hope in the years ahead to have many cases of SAR arcs in our da­ta from both hem­i­spheres, and then ex­am­ine the full glob­al dis­tri­bu­tion of such ef­fects,” he added. “Look­ing to see if the en­er­gy in­put is sim­ul­ta­ne­ous­ly the same or dif­fer­ent in each hem­i­sphere is a fore­front top­ic in the study of so­lar-induced storms in our up­per at­mos­phere


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